Can the Cats Food Drive have been running for a quarter century—that’s 25 years of helping our fellow Missoulians.
The Advocates are proud to sponsor this drive because of its tremendous impact. Last year alone, the Missoula community raised 870,192 lbs/$ in food and funds for our local Food Bank.
Here’s all the information you need to know.
What Is Can the Cats?
This food drive is a friendly, off-field competition between the University of Montana Grizzlies, the Montana State University Bobcats, and the communities of Missoula and Bozeman. The two cities work to collect food and funds for their local food banks. At the end of the drive, all the donations are weighed and counted. The city that donates the most wins!
Missoula hasn’t “canned” the Cats in four years—let’s make it happen in 2024. Our goal is to donate 500,000 pounds or dollars.
Donations in Missoula will benefit the Missoula Food Bank and Community Center and the University of Montana Food Pantry.
How Can You Help?
There are several ways to contribute to the Can the Cats Food Drive. The first is to donate non-perishable food items, like canned and boxed pantry items. The most needed items are canned beans, peanut butter, bulk rice, oats, and flour.
You may also donate turkeys, potatoes, onions, and carrots for holiday meals. These food items count toward the total weight of donations.
If you cannot contribute food items, you may make a financial donation to the food bank. Each dollar will be counted as one pound of food.
Donation details can be found below.
How to Help
Dates: November 9th-23rd. The Grizzly-Bobcat football game on November 23rd is the last chance to donate.
Drop-off locations: The Advocates’ Missoula law office
910 Brooks St., Suite 103
Missoula, MT 59801
Other drop-off locations throughout Missoula can be found on the Missoula Foodbank website.
Financial donations: Donate to Can the Cats directly using this QR code: