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Des Monies, Iowa

Des Moines Personal Injury Lawyers

The Advocates’ personal injury law firm was founded in 1993 and has been helping injured clients ever since. We understand the difficulties you are facing after your accident and we are committed to getting you the compensation you deserve.
Our attorneys in Des Moines are prepared to build you a strong injury claim, negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, and take your case to court if necessary. Whether you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident or by a dog bite incident, The Iowa Advocates are here for you.
Our office is located in downtown Des Moines in the Insurance Exchange Building. We are upstairs in Suite 960. Come visit us today for a free consultation.

1201 63rd Street
Des Moines IA 50311

When Do I Need a Des Moines Personal Injury Lawyer?

If you or a loved one experienced serious injuries and property damage after an accident, an Iowa personal injury lawyer can help.
You may be able to seek compensation for:

However, if you attempt to settle your case on your own, you may be leaving money on the table. Many insurance companies actively fight to avoid offering you a fair settlement.
The Advocates have more than 30 years of experience negotiating with insurance providers. We can tell you what your personal injury case is worth, and fight to make these multi-million dollar corporations pay you fairly.

Our Practice Areas

The Advocates help accident victims with the following personal injury claims:

Schedule a Free Consultation with Our Iowa Personal Injury Lawyers

From Cedar Rapids to Sioux City and Davenport to Des Moines, The Iowa Advocates are here for you. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.
If you or a family member has been injured in the state of Iowa, don’t wait to get started on the road to recovery. Call our office, fill out our form, or use the chat feature in the bottom right corner of your screen. You’ll be connected with a real personal injury attorney who can begin your accident case right away.
After your injury, you deserve competent, compassionate legal representation. You deserve an Advocate.

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