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Personal Injury Attorneys Who Truly Care

The Advocates are here for you

After my accident, it felt like things would never be the same. The Advocates helped me get back on my feet.

Find an Office Near You

The Advocates are constantly striving to serve you more effectively. Our dozens of offices throughout the western United States are staffed with attorneys and legal professionals who are local to the area and are passionate about serving their community. With The Advocates, you get the fierce representation and expertise of a national firm with the personal connection and compassion of a hometown business. Use the arrows below to find your nearest office.

$ 500


recovered for clients



and counting

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Clients helped


Team members committed to you

Our Practice Area

The Advocates are constantly striving to serve you more effectively. Our dozens of offices throughout the western United States are staffed with attorneys and legal professionals who are local to the area and are passionate about serving their community.

Our Team

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Michael Smith, Ordem, UT | Car Collision